principle of superposition

英 [ˈprɪnsəpl ɒv ˌsjuːpəpəˈzɪʃən] 美 [ˈprɪnsəpl əv ˌsupərpəˈzɪʃən]

网络  态叠加原理; 叠加原理; 疊加原理; 地层层序律; 叠覆原理



  1. In this example we exploited the quantum mechanics principle of superposition.
  2. The idea that the resultant effect is the sum of the separate effects is known as the principle of superposition.
  3. The principle of superposition is an important nature of linear system, its application is extensive in physics.
  4. Coherent State of Electromagnetic Field and The Principle of Superposition
  5. The Principle of Superposition has found its wide application in phy-sics and many other fields.
  6. In this paper the temperature of the room ground is calculated with the principle of superposition, the relation between the temperature of the room ground and ground available is developed, the end depth that the temperature effects is discussed.
  7. Aimed at four kinds of practical cases in the field hydraulic tests, their respective formulas have been deduced based on unsteady well flow theory and the principle of superposition of potential functions.
  8. Then by the principle of superposition and solving two sets of algebraic equations, the interaction between the point force and the point charge was uncoupled.
  9. This method is different from usual method, we use the concept of electric flux and principle of superposition for the electric field.
  10. The error of Principle of Superposition is corrected, whereas a new photovoltage theory is established in this paper.
  11. In this paper, The principle of superposition and the concept of generalized simply supported edge are used to solve the bending of rectangular plates with multiple point supports along four edges.
  12. Based on the principle of superposition of linear elastic fracture mechanics, this paper derives the approximate analytical expressions of stress intersity factors ( KI) at the crack tips of axisymmetric fractures emanating from cylindrical holes with hydraulic fracturing under in-situ stress field and fluid pressure.
  13. Based on the principle of superposition of plane waves, the same expressions are derived as those based on Maxwell'e field equations.
  14. The physical essence of principle of superposition is discussed, and its applications in structural chemistry are presented in this paper.
  15. In this paper, the principle of superposition and the principle of homogenization are applied to derive a solving formula of the mixed problems for the non-homogeneous wave equation in one-dimensional space on a half straight line under the second boundary condition.
  16. Based on cavity model of microstrip antenna and the principle of superposition, the concept of the ratio between the currents on the inner conductor of fed-coaxial line of a microstrip antenna and shorting-pin is proposed here.
  17. In the electromagnetics teaching materials, the most basic solution method of the electrostatic field is the electric field principle of superposition.
  18. Also the principle of superposition is utilized to resolve the problem of initial value.
  19. Meanwhile the validity of the principle of superposition is studied in connection with the feasibility of using elastic theory in rock mechanics.
  20. Based on the principle of superposition, a reversible creep expression was derived. According to this expression, a double function creep model for concrete was established and contrasted with a common creep model through the numerical analysis under various loads.
  21. Based on transform of coordinate and principle of superposition, a generalized Duhamel ′ s integral formula dealing with moving load problem is established.
  22. The computing internal forces procedure in Three Hinged Arch based on the principle of superposition can easily be used for calculation of bending moment shears and axial forces under the complex loads.
  23. This paper discusses maths base of principle of superposition from direction of maths physics and summarizes its application in physics, and points out the suitable range of the principle of superposition.
  24. The application and regularity of principle of superposition
  25. The integral equation for three dimensional problem of pile frost heaving force computation is derived from the principle of superposition and the Mindlin formulae in an elastic half space.
  26. By menas of the wake theory and principle of superposition, the article analyses the retarding area and discharge decay in abutment and every pile section of skew bridge crossing, and studies the calculating method of max. backwater in different sections.
  27. The principle of phased array is introduced from the principle of superposition in the wave theory.
  28. The solutions are obtained by employing the Stroh formalism, the method of analytical continuation, the technique of conformal mapping, the principle of superposition, and the exact electromagnetic boundary conditions.
  29. The bending moments and the axial forces are separately considered according to little deformation theory and the principle of superposition. Energy differential method is adopted to solve the shear lag effect of the cable-stayed bridges caused by the bending moments, where the beam-column effect is considered.
  30. By using the principle of superposition and Fourier transform, the singular integral equations are derived. There are some pole points in the integral path, an integral path in the complex plane consisting of four straight lines is adopted.



  1. the displacement of any point due to the superposition of wave systems is equal to the sum of the displacements of the individual waves at that point
    1. the principle of superposition is the basis of the wave theory of light

    Synonym:    Huygens' principle of superposition

  2. (geology) the principle that in a series of stratified sedimentary rocks the lowest stratum is the oldest

      Synonym:    superposition principlesuperposition